Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Family Pictures

Whoo Hoo!! We finally got family pictures taken!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Boys

Spencer is very popular with his boys.  They are always fighting over him, wanting his undivided attention, especially Ethan.  He has become quite the little daddy's boy.  Everytime Spencer leaves the house Ethan follows him to the door and then throws himself down screaming when he figures out he doesn't get to go too. And when Spence is home Ethan won't let me help him or hold him, all he wants is his dad!!

Ethan-the coolest transformer ever!!

Bronson is finally starting to gain some weight.  Here he is at 1 month

Ethan wanted to be just like Dad and read the Sunday Paper

Monday, December 6, 2010

Hilarious Hair

I just found these pictures of Ethan and I think they are so hilarious that I had to post them.  They were taken a few months ago, right before we gave him his first hair cut. His hair fits his personality-funny and weird :)
Thanks for all the great laughs Ethan!! We love you!! 

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Baby Bronson

Baby Bronson is here!!
He was in a hurry to get here and arrived 3 weeks early.
He came Friday November 5.  He is 6 lbs 12 oz & 19 inches long.

When we were in the hospital Ethan wasn't too sure what to think about his new baby brother

On the other hand, Eli was instantly in love. He couldn't wait to hold him and give him lots of hugs and kisses.

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Our first family trip to Yellowstone.
I have never been to the park and Spencer hadn't been since he was a boyscout so it was great to go and see everything Yellowstone had to offer- from the beautiful and diverse landscape to the big and wild animals.
We went with two other families and stayed in their cabin in nearby Island Park, ID.  We got to spend two days hiking and seeing the sites.  We saw lots of Buffalo and Elk, a few coyotes, wolves and eagles.  Unfortunately, we didn't get to see any bear or moose which is what I really wanted to see.
I couldn't believe how beautiful the area was, it had a little bit of everything from the geysers and thermal pools, rivers and waterfalls and forests and lakes-there was just so much to see, I couldn't believe it!!

One morning on our way into the park we got stopped for 20 minutes while 3 buffaloes roamed around the middle of the road.  Eli got an upclose look and said "We're not scared of them."  Crazy Boy!!

Our view driving into the park

The most gorgeous waterfall and river right in the middle of Yellowstone

This is our first family picture with Ethan - how pathetic are we, he's already 16 months old!!
Better late than never

 Eli hated the sulfur smell of the geysers and thermal pools and insisted on plugging his nose all the time

We quickly discovered that Ethan hated to be carried around unless he was in the hiking pack, otherwise he wanted to run around on his own, which I wasn't to keen about with all the boiling water next to the paths!!

These are called "Paint Pots" 
We had to go see them in honor of Spencer.  They really did look like pools of boiling paint- it was pretty cool

Ethan enjoying the great outdoors


Eli playing with the water while we wait for "Old Faithful" to give us a show

 While we were out on a hike we kept hearing an elk call every couple minutes, and it sounded close.  When we were leaving that area we saw this big guy hidden in some trees right off the road- He's a beauty!!

Goal-Scoring Machine

We put Eli in Fall soccer this year and he had an awesome year.  His team name was the Red Dragons.  
Eli was so excited for every game and did really well.  His dad gave him a little incentive at the beginning of the season to get him focused, Spencer told Eli if he scored 2 goals in one game then he would take him to McDonalds, and it worked!!  Then Spencer upped the anti to 3 goals and he would take him to Artic Circle, and that worked too!!  After that, Eli was so excited to score that he didn't need anymore incentives.  He ended the season with 11 goals in 7 games.  He scored 5 goals in 1 game.  His coach called him a goal-scoring machine.  His skill level improved so much in 1 year-we're already looking forward to next season


 Showing everyone who's #1

Giving his coach a high-five after he scored

Ethan loved to watch the games too.  Here he is cheering on his big brother

Spencer's Soccer Season just ended too.  His team did awesome, they finished second in there division.  And this year Spencer decided to play on an indoor soccer team in the off season, so that is keeping him busy along with work and church service.  Unfortunately, we don't get to go watch his indoor games because they're too late at night and the boys are already in bed, but that doesn't stop Eli from begging everyweek to go watch.   

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Ethan's 1st Hair Cut

We finally decided to cut Ethan's lovely locks. 
His hair was getting so shaggy.  He had some great curls in the back but he was continually getting food in it-which was a pain to clean up all the time.  
Before Spencer started to cut it, I assumed Ethan was going to throw a big fit and we'd have to hold him down.  But it was the complete opposite, he did amazing (way better than Eli has ever done).  He sat in his highchair and was laughing because the clippers were tickling him and he kept trying to pull on what hair he had left.  Now that all his baby hair is gone he looks like such a big boy!!!



Monday, September 27, 2010

2010 County Fair

We went to the Salt Lake County Fair this year.  Ethan loved seeing all the animals, Eli was scared of most of them.  Even the 4-H sheep and pigs that were in pens he didn't want to get close to.  We took him in the petting zoo, and he wouldn't get near anything that was bigger than him, the only animal he petted was this small black goat standing on a bench near the exit. He stood there and petted the goat for a minute and then thought it would be a good idea to take him home.  He asked if we could take him with us and said the goat could live in the backyard-no way!!  Though, it might have been a good idea, then Spencer wouldn't have had to worry about mowing the grass.

Ethan's 1st trip to the Fair

Eli in the petting zoo

This is the goat Eli was in love with

Grandpa Bob splurged and let Megan and Eli go on a pony ride 

Ethan loved all the animals and this rabbit was no exception

Ethan and Daddy

Best Buds :)