I can't believe its been over 2 months since I last posted-I've got a lot of catch up to do!!!!
In May we took a week long vacation to Florida. Just Spencer and I & Aleisha and Ty-no kids :)
We had a great time and it was nice to be able to get away from our everyday lives for a short time. Especially for Spence, he's been working so hard, he really needed a vacation to recharge.
We spent most of our vacation in Disney World, "The Happiest place on Earth", it's soooo big and there's soooo much to see. Lots of Good Times!!!
Spencer pulling "Old School"
Aleisha and Ty

We had to get a pic with McQueen and Mater just for Eli

Spencer and Ty and the Toy Soldier-"We Salute You"

Our day at the Kennedy Space Center- you can see the Launch Pad in the back ground

For Mothers Day we went to dinner at Medieval Times
Good Food and Great Times