Thursday, August 30, 2012

Oregon 2012

Before Summer ended we took a trip to Oregon to visit the family. Spencer was busy with work so it was just me and the 3 little boys.  We drove up to Oregon, I know, I thought it was a little crazy too but it took us about 11 hours each way, and the boys did an amazing job in the truck.
We got to visit with Great Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles and Cousins that we rarely see, it was a real treat.
I hadn't had the opportunity to take Bronson up to Oregon yet, so this was his 1st trip and his 1st time meeting most of the family.  I was a little nervous about that because he doesn't usually do well with strangers but he did great and didn't shy away from anyone.
 Ethan and Great Grandpa were little buddies :)
 Ethan loved all the pinwheels in the garden
 Eli and Great Grandma Wetzel
 Ethan 3 years old
 Bronson and Great Grandpa Wetzel
 Aunt Vicki, thanks to her, we had a BBQ/Swim Party with the entire family!!
 This is my little neice Autumn, she's adorable :)
 All the Grandkids
 After the party the boys were exhausted from all the fun and fell asleep the first place they sat down :)
Grandma & Bronson
It was a wonderful trip, my favorite part is always getting to see my family, who I miss dearly.  Love you ALL!!!!

Oregon w/ Grandpa Jim

We had a wonderful visit with Grandpa Jim in Oregon.  The boys had tons of fun going fishing, playing basketball, and we took a special trip to the High Desert Museum.
 Here's Eli catching his first fish of the day, he's just a little guy!!
 Love Love Love this picture of Ethan and Grandpa
 This is Ethan's First fishing experience, and here's his 1st Fish !!!!
 The boys thought it was hilarious that the worms kept trying to escape before they became fish food :)
 Bronson got a little dirty-to say the least- from our fishing trip :)
 Eli and Grandpa playing Basketball
 We were there during Ethan's 3rd Birthday, so we had a special dessert for him, he loved all the fruit on top
 When we went to the High Desert Museum they had a lot of these animal sculptures, and Eli thought he needed his picture taken in front of each one :)

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Tournament Cup

Spencer plays on a Men's Soccer team.  Every year they play a cup tournament against other teams in their division.  This year they killed the competition and got to take home the cup!!!
Good Job Boys!!!

 I think Eli and Ethan were more excited than Spencer about the trophy.  They had to show all their friends the cup, multiple times!!!

 Eli kept kissing the trophy, he thought it was soooo cool :)

Ethan could barely lift the trophy


Spencer had the day off work and the boys were able to talk him into taking us all to the Zoo, to see the new Bear Exhibit.  It didn't take much convincing, they usually get whatever they want from their Dad, he's such a push-over :)

 Ethan & the Monkeys

 Ethan got tired really quick and wanted Spence to carry him around the entire day - such a Daddy's Boy

 This is as good as it gets when trying to get all 3 boys to pose for the camera :(

 Ethan loved the new polar bear. 

 Bronson & Daddy

 Ethan is as big as a juvenile Ape and Eli is as big as a female Ape, just in case you were wondering :)