Monday, September 14, 2009

Ethan-1 month

Ethan is 5 weeks old, I can't believe how fast time goes by. It feels like just yesterday that we were bringing him home. He is such a good natured and easy going little baby, it has made the transition to having two kids alot easier. Eli loves Ethan so much, he is a really good big brother. Eli is, surprisingly, gentle with Ethan when he is giving him loves. He loves to talk to his little brother and is constantly telling him to "Wake up!!". Right after we brought Ethan home from the hospital Eli kept telling us that he wanted to play with his brother, sadly, it will take some time before that happens.

This is the first night we brought Ethan home, Eli immediatley wanted to share his couch and his blanket with his little brother.

Grandpa Jim with his two favorite boys!!

I love this picture of Eli-he is trying to wink!! (I think he looks like a pirate!!)

Grandpa Jim holding Ethan- 1 week old.

Eli holding Ethan all by himself-what an awesome big brother he is.

Great Grandma Wetzel cuddling with her newest great grandbaby-Ethan 4 weeks old.

Ethan at 1 month- oh, how his little cheeks have chunked up, they grow so fast!