Thursday, June 23, 2011

Summer has begun

You know its summer when you're having to hose your kids off every night before they come in the house!!!
Here's the boys making a swimming pool in the neighbors sandbox, it was a mess, but it kept them occupied for HOURS, it was so great!!

 After we got Ethan all cleaned up he totally crashed on the chair.  It's so hilarious to see that he sleeps just like his dad with his arms behind his head.  Like father, like son!!!

Bronson- 8 mths

Our little man is almost 8 months old, the time goes by so fast, it seems like we just brought him home. 
He has started to drool everywhere and chew on everything while his teeth come in.  He's also been sitting up and playing with his toys like one of the big boys, Ethan gets so mad when Bronson chews on his cars while he's trying to line them up!!  Bronson's not very excited about food yet, the only thing he will eat without gagging on is applesauce, so I guess thats a start. 
His brothers have become more interested in him and want to interact with him more and they're awesome with him - he's loving all the extra attenion.  Ethan is constantly wanting to give him hugs and give Bronson the toys that he doesn't want to play with.
Since the weather's been nice, he's been enjoying alot of outside time, which you can probably tell from the pictures.  We're looking forward to a great summer :) 

A Day out with Thomas

Last month we took the boys over to Heber to see Thomas the Train.  It was a great hit, they loved it, especially Ethan, who is going thru a train/car phase at the moment.  During the train ride, the Thomas theme song was playing in the background and Ethan kept saying choo choo and acting like he was pulling the whistle the whole time. 
Unfortunately, my camera died half way thru our day so I never got a picture of Thomas the engine, but he looked just like he does in the cartoon and as soon as the boys saw him they both went crazy.
 There were lots of activities to do after the train ride too.  The boys got to play with all the toy trains that they had set up, they got to play with giant bubble makers and mini golf and they also got Thomas the Train temporary tattoo's.  It was a great day and even more special because Spencer took off work to come with us too!!!  Good times :)

Eli's Preschool Graduation

Eli graduated from preschool, and his little class put on a cute program for all the parents where they sang all the songs they learned through out the school year.  Eli had such a great year, he learned a ton and made a bunch of new friends.  I know he will do great in Kindergarten!!! 

 Here he is singing one of his songs :)
 He was so sick of me taking pictures of him and he didn't want to wear his hat in front of a bunch of strangers - so I got THE look!!

In one of the songs, each child got to be a different animal and here's Eli as the Zebra

 This is Eli's cute little Preschool teacher, Ms. Jennifer, she was so great!!  She said a little something about each child when she gave them their graduation certificate and she told us how Eli was such a little teaser and jokester and loved to steal her chair when she wasn't sitting in it and announce that he was the new teacher - little stinker!!!
Congrats Eli, we're looking forward to many more great school years with you, our Mr. Smarty Pants, Love ya