Saturday, February 9, 2013

Silly Boys

Here are some random pics of the boys.
 We bought the Madagascar 3 movie and this colorful crazy wig came with it, the boys loved it.  They thought it was hilarious!!
 We bought Eli & Ethan new suits for church.  Bronson got Ethan's hand-me-down suit, but he only got to wear it for a couple weeks before he out grew it :(   Chubby Boy!!
Eli & Ethan on an outing with Dad

Bronson #2

My baby is already 2 years old, where did the time go??
A few little things about the Bronster:  He loves his baby (aka-blanket), he loves to suck his thumb, he loves to bully Ethan, he loves ice cream or pretty much anything sweet.  He loves trains, baths and playing outside.  His daddy has a little nickname for him "The little ball of hate" because he loves to throw tantrums and get angry whenever he doesn't get his way, which seems to be quite often!!  He can sure be a cutie when he wants to be though, and we love him no matter what. 
Happy Birthday Bronson!!

The Boys 2012

I like to try and get the boys' pictures taken every year and they love it too!!  They love to flirt with the photographer and they fight over whose turn it is to get their pics taken.  I love how they turned out, Enjoy!!
 Ethan 3 Years Old
 Bronson 2 Years Old
 Eli 6 Years Old
This photo was the last one of the hour and Bronson's patience was gone- he's having a mini breakdown, poor boy :)

Halloween 2012

Halloween, the boys' 2nd favorite holiday, right after Christmas. 
Eli was a SWAT guy, Ethan was a fireman and Bronson was a skunk.  Bronson's costume had a little heart on the bum that said "Little Stinker"  which totally fits him to a T!! 
As the boys get older we end up staying out a little longer, Ethan tries to keep up with Eli, as Eli runs full speed down the street.  Bronson made it to a whole 2 houses this year before he got too side-tracked with the candy in his bucket to keep up with the rest of us :)