Spencer has started soccer, they have been practicing for the last couple of weeks and this Saturday is their first game. His season will last for the next 6 months-good thing we enjoy watching him! Eli is the funniest to watch at the games, he really gets into cheering and likes to kick the ball around with the guys sitting out on the sideline. He's like their little mascot!!
Suprise, suprise, Spencer has been getting off work early the last couple of days so we've been making the most of it because it doesn't happen very often. Monday we took Eli up to the aquarium, Spencer had never been up there, usually just Eli and I go during the day and walk around so it was great for Spencer to share that experience with Eli. The aquarium had recently opened up a new exhibit and Eli loved that because we hadn't seen any of those animals before, they had mini crocodiles, turtles, an anaconda, pirahnas, and other creepy frogs and spiders. The spiders were really freaking me out, because they were so big and so hairy, CREEPY!
Since Spencers been getting off early we've also been doing a ton of work in the yard just trying to get ready for Spring and Summer. The weather has been so nice we are trying to take advantage and spend as much time outside as we can. As soon as Eli wakes up in the morning he's wanting to go outside, he's been frustarated this whole winter having to be cooped up in the house all the time and now he's loving life, he can spend all day outside. I just hope the weather holds up for a while longer, no doubt it will snow again but we are going to enjoy the sun while we can.
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