Thursday, November 10, 2011

Happy Halloween

Halloween was exciting this year and a lot busier than the past years.  Probably because Eli had a Halloween parade and party at school on top of everything else we do: pumpkin carving, trunk-or-treat at Grandma's church and the neighborhood trick-or-treat.  For his school parade, they have all the parents sit in the gym and class by class the kids wind their way thru the gym and then go back to their classes for their Halloween Parties.  I got to help in Eli's class party.  That was exciting and chaotic all at the same time, 20 kindergartners all dressed up and full of sugar. Eli had lots of fun though,  playing games and sharing treats with his friends.
This year Ethan was super excited about going out trick-or-treating, because everyone knows how much he loves candy!!!  He kept trying to open every piece of candy as soon as people would give it to him!!!
This year Eli dressed up as Captain America, Ethan was the BumbleBee and Bronson was a furry blue monster - the Bronster :)

We grew pumpkins in our garden this year and they did really well, we ended up with 6 good size pumpkins by the end of the season.   

This is Eli's pumpkin, but like every year Eli loses interest quickly, and Spencer ends up doing it all, thanks honey, it looks great :)

Here's Ethan our chubby cheeked little bumblebee.  Surprisingly, he did really well about keeping his antennae hood on   

 Here's the 2 little boys out trick-or-treating.  Everytime we would stop at a house Ethan would jump out of his seat and run up to the door.  By the end of the night he was asking Spencer and I to hold his bag because it was getting too heavy :)

 Bronson loved going for a walk around the neighborhood and he stayed snugly warm in his costume

I thought this was a cool, creepy Halloween picture of Eli, it looks like he has a ghost behind him, BOO!!

This is our neighbors pumpkin, super cool, it was massive!!! 

 Baby Bronster and his 1st Halloween

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