Monday, December 22, 2008

Recent Events

We just went and saw Eli's Ear Dr. last week because his right ear drum ruptured again! They decided we should put in ear tubes again and try avoid permanent damage. They will also take out his adnoids, they think that might be contributing to the problem. He will have his surgery the day after Christmas. It should take about 3 days to recover. Because of the adnoid removal he will have bad breath for a few weeks but I'll take that over the ear infections any day!! Poor kid has had a rough year. After his recent Emergency Room visit on Thanksgiving day when he split his head open on the fireplace. Here are some pictures right after it happened........

I hope everyone is having a great Holiday Season. We are still trying to get ready for Christmas here, I have a ton of shopping left to do. I hoping to get it done today but it's snowing pretty good, more to add to our 4-5 inches we already have. Eli loves the snow (until he gets too cold) He asks his dad every night if they can go sledding. They just go in the driveway but its a good slope and its a solid sheet of ice so he gets going pretty fast, it sometimes scares me. But he just keeps laughing and asks "Again, Again" Eli has no fear of anything!!

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