Monday, February 9, 2009


I'm Pregnant!! Baby #2 is due August 10th , we are so excited. It will be so good for Eli to have a sibling. I am 14 weeks along at this moment and I have had 2 DR. Appts already. At the first appt. they did an ultrasound, I guess to check how far along I was. At the second appt. they checked the heart beat. So far everything has been going smoothly, I didn't get any morning sickness, YEA!! On the downside, I have had alot of trouble sleeping, however I would rather be tired all the time than sick, so I'll take it. Like with Eli we won't be finding out the sex of our baby with the ultrasound, we love to be surprised when the baby comes. It gives me a little something extra to look forward to!


  1. Congratulations!!! I am so glad I heard the news now instead of three weeks before your due!!! I love checking in on you guys, since we never see you!!! Very exciting news!!!

  2. Wow, Eli is so big! Congrats on #2! Saw your blog on the Peterson's, hope it's ok we stopped by! We have a blog too....
    -Tyler, Christina & the kids...
