Saturday, December 26, 2009

Gingerbread Houses

Every year we have a tradition-to build gingerbread houses. Luckily, it's not as competitive as the pumpkin carving, so Spencer and Ty don't get too out of control. They do try and think of new things to do every year. This year Spencer thought it would be great to melt chocolate chips and drizzle it down the roof and then blow powdered sugar all over it to make it look like fresh snow-what a mess!!! I think this is Eli's favorite activity because we have a ton of candy laying around and nobody notices him sneaking a piece every few minutes, I'm surprised he didn't get sick in the middle of the night from his sugar high!

Every family gets to build a house and take it home with them. Here's Spencer starting our house, he was our architect and builder. I supervised!
Spencer being a dork!

Here's a few of the houses in construction

Eli "helping" his daddy-I think he's secretly stealing the candy!

Spencer gettin-r done
Our finished house!! How cute!!

Our little Fuhriman Village

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